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Goji Gogo

An exquisite blend of dark chocolate, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, quinoa and bio amaranth with just a hint of exotic spices.

Looking for new taste sensations, Norman has found an exotic combination of puffed quinoa and amaranth, mixed with juicy goji berries, pumpkin seeds and a hint of cinnamon. This is drenched in high quality Belgian dark chocolate.


Has a high zink level, works for your testosterone levels and is therefore called ‘the natural viagra’!


Looks like a grain but is actually a seed, and therefore gluten free. It contains (amino acids) so it is good for your skin and keeps your heart healthy.

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Known as the ‘happy berry’, this berry gives you a boost, and reduces stress and tension. It also helps to keep your physical condition and natural resistance at optimal level.


Another seed that looks like a grain, meaning that it is gluten free. It works as a probiotic giving you a healthy intestinal flora.


Contains alkaloid, which reduces bronchial irritations. Through its flavonoids your brain gets extra energy.


Giving you a higher level of anabolic protein in your muscle cells. Your muscles absorb a higher level of glucose, which gives you more energy.

only natural ingredients


We only use natural ingredients, without added preservatives, and above all, good and healthy. Most of the ingredients we use are so-called ‘superfoods’. If you browse the net you will find out that superfoods are life changing. “No day will be the same anymore and you are guaranteed a long and happy life where success will follow you wherever you go.”

We have summed up some of our findings next to our bars, so you are wired to their benefits. Just let us know which ones you have experienced.

NORMAN’s; shockingly tasty bars, handmade and packed with goodies, no nasties, gluten free, no nuts, low G.I.